Sunday 14th January saw a number of our talented U11 athletes take centre stage in the Kent trials in Sportshall athletics.
Bella Winfield, Kitty-Rose Hatton, Emelia Cowell, Esmé Gabriel, Iris Hooper, Daisy Lee, Sophia Collison, Lily Klimasz, Roma Wells, Rios Mode’el Tarjomani, Gideon Wells and Frankie Richards all competed in 10 events to try and catch the selectors eyes and we are proud to say that 2 of our girls made it through to the 15 strong team.

Congratulations to Bella Winfield and Kitty-Rose Hatton who now have their County squad training day on the 28th January before heading to Burgess Hill on the 18th February to represent Kent against other counties in the Regional Festival.

Also, the girls in the Thanet AC 1 team were presented their bronze medals for coming third in the Kent Sportshall Champs over the 3 league meetings. These girls were Bella Winfield, Kitty-Rose Hatton, Emelia Cowell and Esmé Gabriel.
Coach Darren Hatton commented “Thanet AC are very proud of our U11 athletes as this is our club’s foundation to try and help them move on to the older age groups later on. The fact that we had our highest athlete attendance at these trials was amazing, and to have 2 athletes qualify for the team was another proud moment for the club!”